Monday, 24 October 2011

What I hope to achieve in undertaking CPD23 - CPD23 Task 1

I've worked in government librarianship for 5-years and during that time I've been prevented from using  Web 2.0 applications in work. I've worked in librarianship for much longer, and so my qualifications and knowledge might be a little dated!  I therefore hope that CPD23 will:

  • provide me with a framework to explore some of these tools;
  • to identify applications that may be suitable to use for work and professional development, but perhaps also tools that will be useful for social means;
  • to see examples of such tools in use;
  • to update my skills and confidence in using new IT tools;
  • a number of us are undertaking CDP23 in work and I hope to support my colleagues, but also gain through our collaborative learning;
  • to see this as an example of online / distance / self-paced learning. To idenitify the challenges and difficulties that arise with this type of learning, but also to understand the potential benefits.
So there we are. My first blog, and I've outlined my hopes in undertaking CDP23. These seem to be reasonably achieveable. Wish me luck .... here goes!

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